"By small and simple things, great {marriages} are brought to pass!
If an apple a day can keep the doctor away, then a kind deed a day will give you a healthier and happier marriage. Now, that IS a great thing!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

what is lacking?

What is that thing that is lacking in your marriage? What is it that you wish your spouse would do for you or that characteristic you wish your spouse had? These are questions worth answering.

What is your ideal? -more romance? more laughter? more spontaneity?

After you have answered these questions...the apple for the day is:

If you are pointing the finger at your spouse, wishing they would do something more or be something else- then do that and be that yourself! If you want more romance then be more romantic. If you want more laughter then find things that make you laugh and laugh more (share these things with your spouse and laugh together)...you get the idea right? I think you will be surprised that your spouse will notice a difference and follow suit.


Roberts' family said...

I was thinking of this just last night. I was thinking about all of the things scott used to do for me when we were first married and how I wish he would do it for me again. Then I thought about all that I could be doing for him as well. It's an eye opening experience and helps me realize how much marraige is a partnership and where there's take there must be give.

kate said...

LOVE this becca, it really got me thinking!

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