"By small and simple things, great {marriages} are brought to pass!
If an apple a day can keep the doctor away, then a kind deed a day will give you a healthier and happier marriage. Now, that IS a great thing!

Monday, January 24, 2011

...the people perish!

Growing up one of my favorite things to do with my dad was building a snow slide. He would pile up the snow in the backyard and make an awesome slide for us to play on to our hearts content. I did. I. Loved. It.
I have had a good time doing the same with my kids. I do wish that I was as strong as my dad and making the slide wouldn't take me as long..:)
Anyway. To the point. I started building a slide one day while I was shoveling the drive way. I didn't look where the slide would have ended up, I was just piling up the snow...
Well, after piling for a bit, I looked up to see that this end of the slide was totally headed straight for that tree. You know what thought popped into my head?
"Where there is no vision, the people perish"! I honestly laughed out loud.
Lately I have tried to be better at creating a vision for my day and getting things done. Interesting though, the other day I had done some great things with the kids and it was only 9:30! I relaxed. Next thing I know it is noon and time to go get Ben. I accomplished just about jack! What happened? I hadn't decided what I was going to do with the rest of the morning so I sat down in front of the computer. Periodically I would get Josh and Sarah something else to do and went back to the computer. How embarrassing to admit this.
It is nice for me to be able to post about these things because I am able to process what is on my mind better.
I know that the devil is a master at distracting. Recognizing this is important because then we can figure out what distractions are affecting us and do better.
Back to the tree. Some things that we do daily literally lead us to a dead end and even will cause us harm. I think I do these "things" sometimes because that is what "everybody" else is doing.
Times are getting crazy people. We have to be able to think for ourselves and create our own visions. We hear this a lot from our church leaders. We need to take time to ponder-allow ourselves quiet time daily. During these quiet times we learn how the Spirit speaks to us. We can pray, we can ponder, we can ask for direction.

The apple for the day is: make time for yourself to think-without distractions. If there are things you feel are getting in the way of your progress, make steps to remove them or completely reposition yourself so they aren't a problem. Talk to your spouse about your goals. Things you need to do to make sure you get there and do it!

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