"By small and simple things, great {marriages} are brought to pass!
If an apple a day can keep the doctor away, then a kind deed a day will give you a healthier and happier marriage. Now, that IS a great thing!

Friday, February 11, 2011

does it matter?

are you the one who thinks "if I don't do anything for Valentines it won't matter"?

Well, if you are, then you had better really think about that one!

If you remember the post on the love bank you will know why I am encouraging you to think. Just the same as doing things that your spouse appreciates is a deposit in the love bank- not doing things your spouse would appreciate and even expects can be a withdrawal.

No one is perfect. I realize we don't always do, say, think the things our spouse wants us to. In marriage we learn as we go and we do it together.

Here is something that will hopefully help you to be on the right track in what you are doing or giving for Valentines Day.

First-do you know your spouses love language?

1. do they like it when you make the bed, make them treats, pack them lunch, take out the garbage? -they are an ACTS OF SERVICE PERSON

2. do they like back rubs, foot rubs, kissing, intimacy (a lot)-physical stuff? -THEY ARE A PHYSICAL TOUCH PERSON.

3. do they like gifts, flowers, treats that you buy just for them? -THEY ARE A RECEIVING GIFTS PERSON.

4. do they like notes, texts, emails, vocal praise, gratitude? -THEY ARE A WORDS OF AFFIRMATION PERSON.

5. do they want to do things together, talk, watch a movie, go places together? -THEY ARE A QUALITY TIME PERSON.

Some of us might be a bit of all these things. The idea is to pick the one that sounds the most like your spouse and do/give something under that category to them for Valentines.

Here is an idea for each category:

1. breakfast in bed

2. send a text, hide a note in their lunch or in their shoe that invites them to some pamper time by you, just for them. "you and me, our room 8 o' clock?"

3. buy them something they have mentioned they want. it could be flowers, razors, cologne, lotion or even their favorite candy bar. A simple, I thought of you today and thought you might like this goes a long way. (that means you really have to be thinking of them though! :))

4. Write up "The Top 10 Reasons Why I LOVE YOU"

5. Give them quality time with just you. A true quality time person would love advance notice so they can look forward to it. (like I have been looking forward to my date with Zach tonight for like a week and a half! -yeah, like that! :))

You've still got time! Do something!

1 comment:

Vee said...

Love this post Becca!
Did you know Weber is doing a workshop on The Five Love Languages for free on the 18th at 5:30-7:30 pm at WSU west center in Roy? You have to sign up at www.weber.edu/WorkShopsAtWest.
Have a beautifully marvelous weekend.

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