"By small and simple things, great {marriages} are brought to pass!
If an apple a day can keep the doctor away, then a kind deed a day will give you a healthier and happier marriage. Now, that IS a great thing!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Don't stop!

If your Valentines day was wonderful...then keep the ball rollin'! Keep leaving those notes around the house, sending sweet texts, emails and messages on Facebook! Give them a nice greeting when you get home. Keep using those conversation hearts until they run out and doing love hunts with your kids... and so on!

Now, if your Valentines day wasn't that great don't lose hope! :) You can always declare yourselves another one!

And if the ball never started rollin', then give it a push! Leave the sweet notes and messages and give them a good long hug and kiss when you see them next!

Sweet love isn't only for Valentines Day and no one ever said you can only have ONE APPLE A DAY! :)

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