"By small and simple things, great {marriages} are brought to pass!
If an apple a day can keep the doctor away, then a kind deed a day will give you a healthier and happier marriage. Now, that IS a great thing!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

your wedding day!

How much time, thought, energy, etc did you put into planning your wedding? Think about it. You and yours spent quite a bit of time thinking of every little detail and then executing it, right? I loved it though! It was a lot I will admit while trying to keep my job at the same time but I loved it. I was so looking forward to the day and thinking about every detail made me giddy!

Friday we went to the Northern Utah Marriage Celebration held at Weber State. There were 4 workshops and at the end of the evening the keynote speakers were John and Kim Bytheway. Gosh, we had a great time! We learned some good stuff too. Zach missed his Elders Quorum b-ball game for it. This is HUGE I want you to know! :) (I think he was secretly embarrassed to be going to this instead of to his ball game, but in the end he was glad he went-don't tell him I said that!)

Quoting from John-"it has been said that most people spend more time planning their wedding day than they do their marriage."

Yes, I realize that planning ahead means being proactive and thinking about the future. But I will also point out that even though it is crazy planning a wedding, we still found time to do that!

So, what kind of life do you want? No, I am not asking what about the vacations you want to take together or what you want to do when you are 50 exactly. I am asking what you want the day to day to be like. Those decisions shape the future. Do you want to have a happy home filled with fun and laughter? Do you want to be loving, kind and romantic? Do you want to be adventurous together by trying new things or enjoying hobbies or outdoor recreation together? Do you want to be faithful, attending church, Temple and holding regular FHE, scripture study and prayer?

There are probably a host of other questions I could spout but this has really gotten me thinking. I was picky about certain things when I was the bride to be. I thought about details and I wanted things a specific way. I made lists, discussed them with Zach and so on.
Life, if we are going to have it as close to the way we want it, then we are going to have to plan for it. This discussion might just be more important than a favorite T.V. show. Just sayin'. :)
Well, that's more like a fruit basket than AN APPLE :)


randishea said...

Oh lucky! I love listening to John Bytheway.

randishea said...
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