"By small and simple things, great {marriages} are brought to pass!
If an apple a day can keep the doctor away, then a kind deed a day will give you a healthier and happier marriage. Now, that IS a great thing!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Gift ideas for your Valentine!

Everyone does Valentines different. Some couples don't do anything, some go out on a special date, some stay home and do something special, some give gifts.
I knew someone once who hated Valentines and didn't want to support it at all. My opinion? It's a day that can be made into an occasion. I think we need more of those! This might have something to do with the fact I am a stay at home mom and I really like to be home. I don't get out much. :) I LOVE the anticipation of a date night! I am not the best gift giver as far as originality goes. I can copy and I'm not ashamed to admit it!

Here are some things I have done and others I would like to try:

* a year of dates! There are a few renditions of this idea but the one I liked can be found HERE.
* valentines day survival kit. i liked THIS one.
* make your own card. ladies, use the lipstick and put kisses on it. gents, use your cologne. gosh, I love to smell Zach's cologne!
* write out "101 reason why I love you" or "101 reasons I'm glad I married you"
* and of course, "love coupons" for: breakfast in bed, back massage, an evening out, anything you want, 25 kisses, dinner for two, movie night (you choose movie or you choose who chooses) ...etc
* i'm not sure if this could be here in time but you could try a photo book. pictures of just you two or pictures of highlights from your life together. (i guess this is more intense and would be a better idea for your anniversary or something. but hey, maybe your anniversary is coming up! -that's why I included this idea. :))
* surprise your spouse with a day off! spend the day together!
* let your spouse sleep in-watch the kids and make her breakfast.

Go HERE for more ideas on gifts and also some small decorating tips!

What are some of your favorite gifts you've given your spouse for Valentines?


Zach said...

Great ideas......which one am I going to do? Oh. I wasn't supposed to ask you that was I.

Amanda Jean said...

Thank you so much for this post. I had no idea what I was going to do for my hubby and didn't want to spend a lot of money. But now I have lots of options so thank you!

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