"By small and simple things, great {marriages} are brought to pass!
If an apple a day can keep the doctor away, then a kind deed a day will give you a healthier and happier marriage. Now, that IS a great thing!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Your Valentine's Date

First off, Valentines is 12 days away! Now would be a good time to decide who is in charge of planning the date! (whether you will go out Friday or Monday..)

So, the other night I asked Zach, "so, whose in charge of planning our Valentines date?" He responded with, "is this a trick question". Poor guy. If I hadn't been in a good mood there might not have been a right answer to that question! :)

There are so many fun things to do! Here's an idea, if you haven't come up with something already. And let me say this, it doesn't have to be complicated if you don't want to. I just think we all should take every chance we have to show our spouse we love em'. that's all I'm sayin'. :)

* invite your spouse to a dinner date. treat your date(not your spouse) (-I mean evening together, let's not be confused. I am not saying go out with someone else. :)) - like a 4 or 5 course meal. So, no matter what you are doing -going out or staying home- approach it this way.

Go totally romantic

(appetizer)1st: dinner by candlelight (with your love songs for background music)
(salad)2nd: dance by candlelight
(bread)3rd: oil massage
(main course)4th: {insert what comes to mind:)}
(dessert)5th: have dessert and relax

Slip a note/invitation under the door, leave it in their brief case, lunch box, have the secretary in his office give it to him or mail it. do this a few days before. anticipation is a lovely thing. use it to your advantage. ;) If you wanted to, you could send one course invitation for five days up until the date.

Invitation Example

"A Night to Remember" (-that sounds like a prom theme. oh well. :))

You are sincerely invited to the best date ever!
Time: 6:00-whenever
Dinner will be served.

(appetizer)1st: dinner by candlelight {insert menu if you want to}
(salad)2nd: dance by candlelight
(bread)3rd: oil massage
(main course)4th: {insert what comes to mind:)}
(dessert)5th: {insert name of dessert}

"Will you be mine Valentine?"

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