"By small and simple things, great {marriages} are brought to pass!
If an apple a day can keep the doctor away, then a kind deed a day will give you a healthier and happier marriage. Now, that IS a great thing!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

WARNING this is a soap box....

I was reading a marriage website the other day and saw a post about another website that promotes having an affair! UGH! Their big thing is, "life is short, have an affair". Okay does that even make any sense?!

I have thought of this periodically. Why would this appeal to SO many people?! There are 8.5 million members! CRAZY! (I did not go to the affair promoting site, I don't want to read that crap, I just read about it on the pro marriage site)

So the other day it occurred to me. I realize that idea is completely of the devil but where are the roots? What idea was planted and has been fed for so long to make people think it is okay and even a good thing?

Everyone has heard the saying, "the grass is greener on the other side" right? The other day I remembered a friend telling me of a conversation with some other women in her neighborhood about the characters in Twilight. Okay, not all the characters, just Edward and Jacob, the two main male characters that the main female character has to choose from. Well, one of these girls says, "if an Edward came along I would swoop him up in a heart beat!" What a horrible thing to say and horrible thought to entertain! You've already made your choice! It seems we battle with ingratitude on a regular basis. To be grateful or ungrateful, that is the question.

No wonder so many Prophets, if not all the Prophets talk about the importance of being grateful, developing an "attitude of gratitude"! No wonder.

It is kind of funny because we have all learned in one way or another that the grass really isn't always greener on the other side. There are so many things that go on in others' lives that we have no clue about. I have some talk's by Sheri Dew on CD and one thing that she says is, "I have never met anyone who was happier after they were unchaste, or disloyal or had an affair..." Isn't that the truth?! "Wickedness never was happiness"!

Gosh darn, if life is so short, have an affair with your spouse! Flirt, love, be secretive, call when you shouldn't, leave cute messages, meet them for lunch, make love during the day, go out on dates, meet at a hotel, buy them gifts, adore them, enjoy them etc! Focus where you promised to focus! You promised you would love them forever! Be loyal! Do it! Betcha they love you back and you love it!

What are your thoughts?

Posted by Becca :)


ckkrebs said...

Becca I loved this post!! I've been thinking a lot about being content lately and this goes right along with my thoughts. you chose your love now love your choice!!! is one of my favorite quotes. I love your blog it is so great and makes me want to be a better wife!! I so miss you and what a wonderful visiting teacher you were, reading you blog is like having your visits all over again!! I love ya


Leslie said...

I loved what you had to say. It was very will put. More and more people just need to REALLY wake up and see what Life is really about LOVE. It was Beautiful!!

I love your blog! You do such a great job!!! keep up the good work!!

kate said...

great post becca! i totally agree! it is so fun to "recreate" the excitement of those early dates, the first kiss etc., with YOUR OWN SPOUSE. all it takes is talking about those times, or going on a surprise date, or sneaking in a little make out session while the kids are occupied. you get the thrill along with the much deeper, committed, been through it all together, real life love that no "edward" can hold a candle to.
love your blog, it makes me think happy thoughts about my marriage and helps me tweak it for the better. you are doing a great good in the world, keep it up!

Kara said...

"The grass is always greener..."

HA! What a joke. The grass in your OWN yard is as green as you're willing to make it. So bust out your lawnmower, get busy with some fertilizer and destroy EVERY weed the second it rears its ugly head! Maintain, maintain, maintain. Pretty soon you'll have a lawn (read: a marriage) you can be proud of -- as well as the satisfaction of knowing that it's great because you MADE it so. Love you, Becca!

The Littlefields said...

Good post! Very well said. You're awesome!

Anthony M. Park said...

One of my favorite recent quotes: "Choose a companion carefully and prayerfully; and when you are married, be fiercely loyal one to another. Priceless advice comes from a small framed plaque I once saw in the home of an uncle and aunt. It read, “Choose your love; love your choice.” There is great wisdom in those few words. Commitment in marriage is absolutely essential."
President Thomas S. Monson, Priesthood Session April 2011

lindsi said...

Love the post...thanks for the thoughts Becca!

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