"By small and simple things, great {marriages} are brought to pass!
If an apple a day can keep the doctor away, then a kind deed a day will give you a healthier and happier marriage. Now, that IS a great thing!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

how to get a fortune

a fortune implies wealth.  wealth implies freedom.  freedom implies peace.

i'd like a fortune.

if i want a fortune i should probably start investing.

like, yesterday or last year.

what is a fortune and what kind am i seeking?

the kind i really want is the one that ends with the result of peace.

my fortune i picture is of a family that cares for each other, enjoys being together, and will always be, because they also help each other be there best.  (our best involves the Lord and because of Him, we will be together forever.)

i know my joy won't be full until the next life when i know my family will be complete.  but i know it can be dang good here and now too.  especially if i invest in it, here and now.

what kind of investments are hard to make when it comes to relationships?

consistent quality time.  like dates.  yeah, those.  how bout even time away from the kids...a night or more.  investment?  yep siree.

thoughtful caring... emphatic listening, truly forgiving, anticipating a need and doing something about it, gift giving...that is thoughtful. (that one is uber hard for me!...not like the others aren't too!)

kindness.  like when they aren't being kind...or they're just ornery or having a bad day.

i know there is more but these things are speaking loud to me right now.  "if you want something to last forever, you treat it differently."  it's for dang sure i want my relationship with zach to last forever!

what would happen if i just neglected it?  i'd pay for it later and honestly, i think we don't realize we often pay for it now.  no, we might not be unhappy but we aren't happy.  we are trading what could be for something that is just okay.  we just get by.  we've all done it.  it's fine.  we're good.  is that what we really want though?

it is SO worth the extra effort it takes to be kind, understanding, loving, compassionate, thoughtful companions.  we totally reap the benefits.  when we are that happy in our marriages, we then might not realize how much the rest of our lives and those around us are better because of the investment we've made.  we not only "miss out" on reaping the fruit of neglect but we also experience "joy unspeakable".

i know what my fortune looks like.  that is so what i want.  i am investing now.  because now is totally the time to get in this investment!

1 comment:

Matt and Alissa said...

Thank you for this post. This is something I needed to hear and I am going to try and remember it when I feel like being a little selfish.

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