"By small and simple things, great {marriages} are brought to pass!
If an apple a day can keep the doctor away, then a kind deed a day will give you a healthier and happier marriage. Now, that IS a great thing!

Monday, September 16, 2013

sometimes i get mad.

gasp!  i know.  it is true though.  sometimes i do get mad.

the other day i was so mad i cried.  it isn't really because Zach is horrible, because that isn't possible.  it is because it had been a day.  i was seriously needing a break.  oh anyway.  i was mad.  i was in the baby's room crying, holding the baby that was not sleeping and i was tired.

do you ever think, "my poor husband."?  i do feel bad sometimes because he doesn't understand why i'm upset.  he wants to help though...

he came in the room while i had been having a battle with myself over if i should say something(s) to him or not...

he took the baby and left the room.

i put my shoes on and went for a walk.

thankfully, i never said the things to him that i felt like saying.  there are always "things" to be said when you're angry.  but they never come out right.

when I was having this said battle with myself, I know the Spirit prompted a thought, "if you say it this time, it will be easier to say it next time".  isn't that the truth!  once you give in, it is harder to resist the next time!  but if you hold back, it is easier to hold back the next time.

just leave the room

the house.

the car.

the ____ wherever.  just walk away and say, "i'm doing us both a favor".  come back later and apologize and work it out if need be.

it is easy to justify saying things when you feel like they are being an awful person and they should know it.  thing is, by you saying mean things, you are being an awful person.  hold back even if it is for the sake of being or becoming a better person yourself.

have you read the quote on the side of this blog lately?

"Brethren let's treat our wives with dignity and with respect. They're our eternal companions. Sisters, honor your husbands. They need to hear a good word. They need a friendly smile. They need a warm expression of true love."
-President Thomas S. Monson

That's the Prophet.  We should listen to him.

There is a rule that I like to follow and I've mentioned it on here at least a few times.... your first five minutes together, set the tone for the day/afternoon/evening.

on this day mentioned above, i should have forgotten my troubles and gone to the door and met Zach for a juicy kiss, hug, smile and a warm hello.  that sets a tone for everyone.  in a huge way, you put your troubles behind you and start fresh.

some apples to help us set a happy tone for our time together: (can be tweaked for the morning, noon or night)

* brush your teeth and kiss for at least 10 seconds. (try to get them thinking about only you)
* make a grateful comment about them, their companionship, what a great dad/husband they are...
"I love it when you're home" now act like it.  say thank you for all they do for the family.
* do something different for that meal...eat outside, on the floor, light candles
* tidy up.  put on perfume, cologne, comb your hair, put on something cute.
* smile.  laugh.  talk about something interesting, not depressing.

I read THIS BLOG today that had some great marriage articles.  Okay, I only read THIS ONE.  It gave me a lot to think about.  I like that!  I have this blog linked on my side bar... ha ha.  I just haven't read it in a while.  Good stuff.

Well, I hope you have a great week!

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