"By small and simple things, great {marriages} are brought to pass!
If an apple a day can keep the doctor away, then a kind deed a day will give you a healthier and happier marriage. Now, that IS a great thing!

Monday, December 23, 2013

make it magical

our house is filled with the magic of Christmas these days.  i had one child cry that tonight isn't Christmas eve.  they are so, so, so excited for Christmas.  i must admit.  so am i.

i love the traditions, i love the food, the songs, the dancing, the bells, the gifts, the hugs, the time spent with family and the visits from friends.  i love the grateful feeling that is ever present.  everything about it is the Spirit of Christ.  it is happy, joyful, grateful, loving, kind...and more i know i'm leaving out.

there is a lot in the news about marriage these days and much of it, i find discouraging.

at the end of the day, what i have is the result of my own choices.  i choose family.  i choose love.  i choose happy memories.  i choose to try my best.

we should be very careful about the things the we choose.  there is much we can't control.  lets focus on what we can.  let's love our families.  let's be kind.  let's have fun together.  let's learn new things.  let's be encouraging.  let's be loyal.  let's be loving.  let's laugh.  let's be believing.

we enjoy so much more security and happiness when we safeguard our marriage.  good parenting and general love in the home will follow if we will focus on bringing our best self to our marriage and
on enjoying our spouse and loving being married. in this way, we can enjoy Christmas or the Spirit of Christ throughout the year.

bliss in love is not just in fairytales.  you can feel like you're dating (& better) after 9 years of marriage!  i know.  it can be so, so good.  

does it happen without effort?  nope.  does it suffer from neglect from time to time?  yep.  does it have to stay that way? nope.  are you responsible for how you contribute?  yep.

love is action.

even when life is busy, there is time to show love and kindness.  there has to be, people!  make time!

take the time to:

* leave a love note and kiss it with lipstick or spray it with perfume or cologne

* dance to a love song. (how long is that, three minutes?)

* cuddle on the couch and admire your Christmas tree

* call and say "I love you and all I want for Christmas is you...and an i pad. ;))

* kiss on the doorstep after a date

* say thank you

* be fun company.  ask them questions about Christmas' past.  don't do all the talking.  listen to their stories.  laugh at their jokes.  have fun together!

these little things and many more like them are what bring the magic into a marriage.

i hope you have a very, merry  and magical Christmas!!!

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