"By small and simple things, great {marriages} are brought to pass!
If an apple a day can keep the doctor away, then a kind deed a day will give you a healthier and happier marriage. Now, that IS a great thing!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

the basics in the busy

as i sat on the couch last night reading to the kids, Zach walked into the room, basketball shorts, t-shirt and if i may, he looked hot.  i paused in my reading, gave a little whistle, raised my eye brows a bit and smiled.  2 seconds, maybe 3.

in the hustle and bustle, we do need to remember the basic things that keep the flame alive.

here are a few apples to try:

* while walking about, wherever you are (looking at lights, shopping for toys or into a party); grab their hand, and say something sweet like, "I am so glad we can do these things together, I love life with you" or less cheesy if you don't do cheesy, still grab their hand or put your arm through theirs, "you're fun to be with, I love you.".

*take a selfie of you under some mistletoe and ask, "wanta try this out tonight?"

*I don't care if you're busy, hands are full, cooking dinner, super tired, when you see them at the end of the day, whenever that is for you, KISS THEM GOOD! -for at least 6 seconds, try for 10 though. :)

-If you don't have a testimony of that one yet, get one by doing it.  When Zach comes home and either he or I have had a day, it works wonders to kiss and forget about it all.  Let the kids see you for goodness sake.  Enjoy eachother!

*there are a lot of feel good or funny clips going around, watch one together.

*unsolicited, ask them if they'd like a back, foot or neck rub.

*it's a busy time of year.  you need to talk about what you have going on!  work together.  talk about what you want to fit in before Christmas and make things work as a team.

*this is the season we celebrate the birth of our Savior.  truly honor Him by living by His example and using the atonement He sacrificed to give.  Forgive, repent, serve and love.

I seriously LOVE Christmas time!  It can be very crazy and different for everyone.  I hope that no matter your situation, you will keep the basics in the busy and that your spouse knows that you cherish and love them.  Merry Christmas!

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