"By small and simple things, great {marriages} are brought to pass!
If an apple a day can keep the doctor away, then a kind deed a day will give you a healthier and happier marriage. Now, that IS a great thing!

Monday, January 13, 2014

Little things lead to big things.

Can I just say that I'm so grateful to be married and I love it?  Of course I can. This is a marriage blog. :)

Zach and I celebrate ten years of marriage this year. Every year has been different in some way. I can say some haven't been the happiest of years. Through it all though, it is a blessing to have someone by my side. We play tag team a lot. We help each other out, we listen, we laugh, we cuddle, we enjoy each other and there are days too, that we don't. Yep.  We haven't been perfect. We have had days where we haven't felt happy or nice or needed or enjoyed. You will too, if you haven't yet. When those days happen, we go back to the basics. We say we're sorry, we go on a date, we talk, we find something that will make us laugh. And when those things don't work, we just hang in there. Yep. Hang in there. Because there really will be better days and it really is worth it. 

In any case (hard times or not so), if we aren't moving forward, we're moving backward in our progress. We always need to be showing love and acting in love, even if it isn't appreciated right away. 
 "Remember: little things lead to big things. Seemingly insignificant indisgressions or neglect can lead to big problems. More importantly, simple, consistent, good habits lead to a life full of bountiful blessings" -Elder Scott

Here are some apples to get you going for whatever circumstance you find yourself in right now. 

*have a lot on your mind? Kiss until you've forgotten it.

*be specific, I mean, really specific in your compliments. The other day Zach complimented me on how well I've done as a homemaker and sited specific things he has appreciated and enjoyed. Can I just tell you how much this meant to me?  Be specific. Sometimes things really do need to be said out loud. 

*start thinking about valentines day. Do you do a date? Who's turn is it to plan? Do you exchange gifts? Have you thought of planning a sitter swap with friends so you both get a date that weekend? Valentines is on Friday.  

*say I love you and give them the top three reasons why. Later that day give them a couple more... And so on until you've given them the top ten. Write them, say them, email them, sing them. ;) I'd like to hear how that one goes. ;)

*leave them a note somewhere early in the day. "You busy later? Meet me in the bedroom, 8:30, wear a towel and be prepared to be relaxed." Prepare a massage for them with lavender oil or even plain lotion. Have a space heater going and some soft music. Top it off if you wish by wearing something they like to see you in. 

*is there something that they do a lot of that you don't totally love? Watch football? Play video games? Eat? Go to bed early? Read?  Join them. Sit down, play too or watch, go to bed early and snuggle with them until they're asleep. -you can get up again if you're still awake ya know. If you do decide to read too...get your own book! :)

If little things lead to big things, then choose your little things wisely. 

Did I mention I love being married?


kate said...

great list this week! thank you Becca!

Unknown said...

Fabulous, thanks Becca!!

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