"By small and simple things, great {marriages} are brought to pass!
If an apple a day can keep the doctor away, then a kind deed a day will give you a healthier and happier marriage. Now, that IS a great thing!

Monday, January 6, 2014

remember the inspiration.

holy shmoly, in four days (on the 10th) it will be four whole years since my first post on this here blog!

wow.  that's gone by fast.

i just went back to the inspiration post because i wanted to refresh and then i saw the date.  wowza.

since that time i've heard more stories, talked to more people, read more books and articles and i'm still convinced that "by small and simple things, great things are brought to pass" and that my marriage is that good seed.  if i nourish this most valuable relationship, it will grow.  it really is true.

as i go about my life i think about this blog and what to post.  i read in my scriptures and other good books and ponder what i can say that will help someone and me.  it has been a great blessing for me.

an apple a day can strengthen your marriage.  i've come to understand that avoiding the marriage therapist is not as important as strengthening your marriage and if a therapist can help with that, go for it.  so, we're going for strong marriages around here. ;)

since i did a post sans apples last week, here are some apples for this week.

i'm all in with goal setting and making consistent positive changes in my life these days and it feels real, real good.  here are some things on my list to do with Zach.

* set some dates and calendar them- date night, temple night, game night, family/friend dinners, and any other dates that need to be on your calendar.

* rock paper scissors, best out of seven, who plans the first date and gets the babysitter. -then switch off.

* set some goals together.  -how much money is going to be in the bank at the end of the year and what are the milestones a long the way, how will we celebrate when we hit them?  how many times do we want to go to the temple together?  which temples would we like to go to?  ...

* cuddle up and chat.  make sure you know their goals and ask how you can help them.

* remember, don't just talk!  kiss sometimes.  good grief! ;)  hold their hand while you talk, look them in the eye, touch their arm or leg-connect physically while you talk. (not to the point of distraction though, just little things and show you're listening)
* when you have to talk/text/email business, do it with some love.  ie, texting with a question of "did you pay this bill or are you picking up milk" or ... you get the idea.  when you text "business" type things, address them like they're your lover.  you can flirt or be sweet and get the job done at the same time.

* remember those little things that are really big things.  speak kindly, (if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all...because "you can't do right by doing wrong and you can't do wrong by doing right", kneel to pray together and hold hands at the end of the day, smile and laugh together, slip a note into their lunch/wallet/purse/pocket/shoe and make it a cute one.

*be grateful.  if you're having a bad day, try counting your blessings.

* be your best self.  that's pretty attractive!

what are you doing all these nice things for?  remember the inspiration.  you want your relationship with your spouse to flourish, to grow to bear beautiful and delicious fruit.  it can, you know!

1 comment:

kate said...

4 years! And what a great thing this blog has been, brought to pass by each small and simple post. It blesses my life and keeps us on track, thank you for all the effort and thought you put into it, we are so grateful!

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