"By small and simple things, great {marriages} are brought to pass!
If an apple a day can keep the doctor away, then a kind deed a day will give you a healthier and happier marriage. Now, that IS a great thing!

Sunday, July 20, 2014

What I do when I'm having a hard time...

When I'm mad or upset at Zach, want to know what I do?

I think about YOU. 

Yep.  I think about those known and unknown to me, that read my blog. I think about you and what I would hope you would do if you were having a hard time with your spouse. 

This honestly leads me to apologize, forgive or just plain, calm the heck down. It really does. 

So, the apple for the day is....start a blog. :)

Just kidding. :) (I mean, you can if you want though) :)

The apple is: think about someone you care about. It might be a child, a friend, or sibling. Think of them when you're having a difficult time and what you would tell them to do if they were you and they asked your advise.

It helps so much to take yourself out of the situation and be objective. 

Too mad, hurt or frustrated to be objective or think of anything?  I'd suggest saying a prayer for some ideas. 

Then, when the ideas come; pray for the strength or courage to do it! -think of this person you care about, like I think about you, and do it because you hope they would. 

It can be very hard to suck up your pride, lay aside expectations or forgive when you've been hurt. It is amazing the difference in the feeling in your home and marriage when you can come back together when you are willing to take that first step. 

Zach is a wonderful example to me of taking that humbling first step. I'm so glad he will. I'm also glad he accepts me when I do. 

Oh and thank YOU for reading my blog and for helping me be a better wife. :)

1 comment:

kate said...

What a neat suggestion! I for sure would give better advice about how to act in a situation than I might actually act in it. I would advise forgiveness, and patience, and giving the person the benefit of the doubt. I love it. Thanks Becca! (And it sure was nice to see your face for a minute on the 4th!)

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