"By small and simple things, great {marriages} are brought to pass!
If an apple a day can keep the doctor away, then a kind deed a day will give you a healthier and happier marriage. Now, that IS a great thing!

Monday, October 20, 2014

a bit rusty

This is me.

Before, during and after this picture was taken, I was probably thinking about this blog.
I think of this blog often.  I have many posts that are drafts and haven't been published.  I am feeling rusty though.  Lately I haven't been writing and so when I write, I question if it's really worth sharing.  Sometimes the posts I share, I don't really love.  Sigh.

So, I've been thinking about why this is.  I've decided it's because I haven't been consistent at sitting down and typing out apples for myself and for you, dear Reader. (Mom)
I've decided to get back into the habit.  This blog has been a bigger blessing in my marriage than I even realize.  I enjoy reading, researching, thinking and writing for this blog.  It is worth the time spent for me.  I may be rusty.  I know it will get easier as I am consistent.

Naturally, as I was thinking about my blogging in all its rusty glory, I thought about marriage. :)

We can definitely get rusty in so many aspects of our marriages.  Are you rusty?


If we have stopped or even slowed in any of these catagories it can be easy to keep putting it off, ignoring it or even forgetting about it.  Fact is, sometimes we want to not worry about it.  Things aren't that bad...

It's time.  Lets roll up our sleeves, put back our shoulders, put our chin up and our best foot forward.  

In the same way I told you that I'm going to be a more consistent blogger on this here blog, tell your spouse.  Be upfront, be honest and optomistic about what's ahead.  It's great to be accountable.

What will you do?

Do you feel like you need to be a better spouse when it comes to being a best friend and cheerleader?  Can you greet them at the door when they come home with a kiss and hello?  Can you initiate sex a bit more often?  Can you help them around the house more?  Would dancing for a quick, sweet song once a week be a good idea?  How about praying at the end of the day together?  Or rolling over in bed and saying something you appreciate that they did that day?
Can you plan a date night?  Can you turn the t.v. off and do something together instead?  Chat, play a game, go for a walk.  Have you asked your spouse what they need from you lately?  

Loving your spouse and creating the relationship you'd like to have doesn't happen by accident.  It is work, yes.  It is also so totally rewarding and worth it in so many ways.

We all get rusty every now and again.  It can be hard to get moving.  Decide to do something.  Did you pick something?

I love being married.  I know that God gave us families to help us become what He wants us to be.  The family is of God.  Every effort is worth it.  

Here's to the little things,
Becca :)


Chantel said...

Dang it. I've had that song stuck in my head for weeks and finally got rid of it. Now it's back....

kate said...

Yay for a post! You don't seem rusty at all, and I always appreciate your insights and apples so much. :)

Becca said...

Haha, Chantel, I didn't know I was referencing lyrics! :) and thanks Kate, you're so good at encouraging me. I really do appreciate it. :)

Stevenson Family said...

Love this, becca, I will take your advice right now...or...as soon as I end my comment. I also love that you are cute and very pregnant again! You make cute babes, :)

Becca said...

Thanks Annie! Your comment totally made me smile. I hope you are doing well. You guys are seriously the best!

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