"By small and simple things, great {marriages} are brought to pass!
If an apple a day can keep the doctor away, then a kind deed a day will give you a healthier and happier marriage. Now, that IS a great thing!

Sunday, October 17, 2010


There are SO MANY talks to choose from for a Sunday post! My goodness! I love it!

With all the hype that has been spurred by President Packer's talk I have done a lot of thinking about where I stand. Without a doubt, I stand with the Prophets!!! I don't care who disagrees and what their arguments are, I will always follow the Prophet. Two talks were given that mentioned THIS TALK by President Benson, titled "Fourteen Fundamentals in Following the Prophet"

These quotes are from THIS TALK by Elder Duncan, who also mentioned the 14 Fundamentals.

"This world is full of so many self-help books, so many self-proclaimed experts, so many theorists, educators, and philosophers who have advice and counsel to give on any and all subjects. With technology today, information on a myriad of subjects is available with the click of a keystroke. It is easy to get caught in the trap of looking to the “arm of flesh”5 for advice on everything from how to raise children to how to find happiness. While some information has merit, as members of the Church we have access to the source of pure truth, even God Himself. We would do well to search out answers to our problems and questions by investigating what the Lord has revealed through His prophets. With that same technology today, we have at our fingertips access to the words of the prophets on nearly any subject. What has God taught us about marriage and the family through His prophets? What has He taught us about education and provident living through His prophets? What has He taught us about personal happiness and fulfillment through His prophets?...."

"May we have the wisdom to trust in and follow the counsel of the living prophets and apostles. I am a witness of their goodness. I testify that they are called of God. I also testify that there is no safer way to approach life, find answers to our problems, gain peace and happiness in this world, and protect our very salvation than by obeying their words..."

What does following the Prophet have to do with marriage? In my opinion, everything. It is invaluable to me that Zach and I share the same beliefs. I am so grateful that we are both dedicated to living the gospel of Jesus Christ.
It is so important that we talk about where we stand on issues. As a couple, as families, we are under the obligation to defend and represent what we know. We can make a huge difference if we understand the issues and the doctrine.
I bring this up because NOW is the time to decide. NOW is the time to ask ourselves where we stand and work to strengthen our faith so when we are asked who we stand with, we will know. :)

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