"By small and simple things, great {marriages} are brought to pass!
If an apple a day can keep the doctor away, then a kind deed a day will give you a healthier and happier marriage. Now, that IS a great thing!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

did you hear that?

Honestly, communication in marriage can be hilarious! It cracks me up a lot of the time when Zach says "you never told me that" and I know I wasn't just thinking it, but I actually said it out loud!

It is probably just me, that sort of thing never happens to you right? lol.

I wonder though if a lot of communication problems happen simply because we just aren't listening. "yeah, yeah, I hear you", but seriously are we listening to hear what our spouse is saying or are we listening to respond to what they are saying?

I know sometimes I think I know what Zach is explaining so I will think about something else while he is telling me "what I already know". I don't really hear him or try to understand why he feels what he has to say is important.

The apple for the day:

Try just listening. To what they are saying by their expression, body language and words. Try to understand.

Some things aren't that intense and they are just telling you they are going to stop and get gas before they get home. Other times you might find it refreshing to stop thinking about your response will be and just listen to them. Appreciate them. Show them you care by really listening.

1 comment:

Zach said...

Distractions......that's what I like to call them instead of communication problems. If I take away the distraction, then I listen.......better:-)

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