"By small and simple things, great {marriages} are brought to pass!
If an apple a day can keep the doctor away, then a kind deed a day will give you a healthier and happier marriage. Now, that IS a great thing!

Thursday, October 30, 2014

part two. :) the inevitable down times

In my last post I said, "Downs are inevitable because of the world we live in.  The way we live daily will help prepare us for the hard times."

This is just one of many analogies from life that can be applied to marriage:

Money in the bank:  The LOVE BANK

If your bank account is already in the negative and checks are bouncing and you're getting all kinds of overdrawn fees and late fees; when you have car trouble, it's going to be an issue getting it taken care of.  It isn't the car trouble that's the trouble, it's the way you've prepared.

In order for there to be money in your bank account, you have to put it there.  Withdrawals need to happen, that's life.  It is our responsibility to be sure we have what we need in the bank to cover for the inevitable withdrawals.  

This is true in marriage.  The example in our lives recently is hunting season and pregnancy at the same time. :)  Two pretty big withdrawals.  :)

Zach loves to hunt, he also loves me and he loves me happy.  

Here are some examples of deposits he has made to cover for the withdrawals from hunting:
-more date nights
-cleaning the kitchen after dinner and having me rest instead of join him
-a dozen roses just because
-foot rubs
-talking about his plans and making sure they will work with mine
-honoring my engagements
-doing as much around the house to help out as possible
-sending me to my room and taking over with the kids.

This list is not all inclusive, he really has been awesome to me.  Thing is though, I could choose to be upset he  isn't doing more.  After all, he is gone a lot hunting.  I am happiest (and so is he) if I choose to see what he is trying to accomplish and appreciate that.

My appreciation for his efforts are also deposits.  If I choose ingratitude, this ends up being a withdrawal.  Attitude and gratitude, make a marked difference.  If I am supportive of his hobby, this is a deposit as well.  The more I am involved positively in what he loves, the more I add to our love bank.

We are all about deposits around here.  In the same way we are careful about how much and how often we make deposits in our bank account, we need to be that aware of our love bank accounts.  Deposit regularly.  You know, an apple a day.  :)

So, yeah, it'll happen, things will go wrong,  you and your spouse will be able to handle those times SO much better if you aren't running on empty.  Make time for each other.  Invest in your marriage!!!

Do you feel that this is something you are already doing?  What are you doing that is good?  What are you going to do better?

To read more on the LOVE BANK go HERE.

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