"By small and simple things, great {marriages} are brought to pass!
If an apple a day can keep the doctor away, then a kind deed a day will give you a healthier and happier marriage. Now, that IS a great thing!

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

One reason I know Zach loves me

This morning Zach left super early. I had only just come back to bed after being up with baby Jakey. 
Not too long after Zach left, the baby was up again. No one else was though. So, I enjoyed nursing and reading the good Word in peace. Mornings are busy with this brood of ours. 
I did manage to fit in some yoga with my buddy Redd. (We have two mats) 

At 10:00 I thought I'd eat breakfast. Zach called as I was just about to pour the milk on my granola. 
During our chat he told me in sweet words that he had sincerely prayed that I would be sustained today. The thing is, I can see that his prayers were answered. They really, truly helped. 
So, what's better than praying for your spouse when they can't hear you? Telling them that you did and why. 
Prayer has really been a blessing in our marriage. I feel so loved when Zach prays for me. I feel my love grow for him as I pray for him. 
"Pray, He is there. Speak, He is listening. You are His child. His love now surrounds you."

Pray on,
Becca :)


Becky said...

I love this! It's so important to pray for each other. And your last little line is what I repeat to myself to get me through each and every day!

kate said...

This is so wise. :) thank you for the reminder. I still think you should make a calendar of your apples. I would by one for me and one for everyone I love.

kate said...

This is so wise. :) thank you for the reminder. I still think you should make a calendar of your apples. I would by one for me and one for everyone I love.

Ludlows said...

Shortly before or after I was married my grandma gave me so advice which goes along with your quote. She said that her and my grandpa would alternate saying a prayer of gratitude for the other person each day. While I don't remember all that she said I remember how I felt when she told me and I could tell and still can tell that it was a very important aspect of her marriage. While I have not been perfect by any means at this I know when I pray for my husband and especially give thanks for him and all he does I feel more love for him and a greater desire to serve him. Thank you for sharing.

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